Faculty > Professors > LIU Zhihui

LIU Zhihui

Associate Professor  

0755-88015922 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0890-623X

  • Brief Biography
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Published Works

Research Field

Stochastic calculation

Honors & Awards 

2021 National NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas)

Career History

2022.6 to present  Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics & National Center for Applied Mathematics Shenzhen, Associate Professor, Researcher

2020.9--2022.5  Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Assistant Professor

2018.9--2020.8      Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Research Assistant Professor

2017.8--2018.8      Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Mathematics, Postdoctoral Fellow


2012.9--2017.7      Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Ph.D. 

2008.9--2012.7      Hubei University, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, B.S.

Perennial recruitment of postdoctoral and Research Assistant Professor (RAP); 1-2 doctoral/master students every year: https://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/?cat=11&tagid=liuzh3&orderby=date&iscss=1&snapid=1
Interested parties please send relevant application materials to liuzh3@sustech.edu.cn

Research Areas

Stochastic analysis and stochastic calculation


2022-2024 PI, National NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas), "Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations" [NSFC21AAA00602]

2022-2024 PI, National NSFC (Young Program), "Numerical Ergodicity of Stochastic Allen-Cahn Equation" [NSFC12101296]

2020-2023 PI, Hong Kong RGC GRF grant, "Long-time Behaviors and Numerical Approximations of Stochastic Phase Field Models" [GRF16308720] withdrawn due to departure

2019-2022 PI, Hong Kong RGC GRF grant, ``Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Phase Field Models" [GRF16307319] transferred due to departure
2019-2022 PI, Hong Kong UGC Research Infrastructure Grant - Internal Research Support, "Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Phase Field Models" [IRS20SC39]) transferred due to departure

Courses in Southern University of Science and Technology

2020 Fall,     MA215, Probability Theory

Courses in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2020 Spring, MATH1014, Calculus II

2019 Fall,     MATH1003, Calculus and Linear Algebra

2018 Fall,     MATH1003, Calculus and Linear Algebra


Z. Liu, Lp-convergence rate of backward Euler schemes for monotone SDEs, BIT (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10543-022-00923-1.

D. Sheng, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Optimal Hölder continuity and hitting probabilities for SPDEs with rough fractional noises, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 512 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 126125, 21 pp.

Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Strong approximation of monotone stochastic partial differential equations driven by multiplicative noise. Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput. 9 (2021), no. 3, 559–602.

Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Well-posedness and finite element approximations for elliptic SPDEs with Gaussian noises, Commun. Math. Res. 36 (2020), no. 2, 113--127.

Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Strong approximation of monotone stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 40 (2020), no. 2, 1074--1093.

J. Hong, C. Huang, and Z. Liu, Optimal regularity of stochastic evolution equations in M-type 2 Banach spaces, J. Differential Equations 267 (2019), no. 3, 1955--1971.

J. Cui, J. Hong, Z. Liu, and W. Zhou, Strong convergence rate of splitting schemes for stochastic nonlinear Schr"odinger equations, J. Differential Equations 266 (2019), no. 9, 5625--5663.

J. Hong and Z. Liu, Well-posedness and optimal regularity of stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noises, J. Differential Equations 266 (2019), no. 8, 4712--4745.

Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Wong--Zakai approximations of stochastic Allen--Cahn equation, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 16 (2019), no. 5, 681--694.

Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Finite element approximations for second order stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 38 (2018), no. 1, 184--197.

J. Hong, L. Ji, and Z. Liu, Optimal error estimates of conservative local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear Schr"odinger equation, Appl. Numer. Math. 127 (2018), no. 5, 164--178.

X. Niu, J. Cui, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Explicit pseudo-symplectic methods for stochastic Hamiltonian systems, BIT 58 (2018), no. 1, 163--178.

J. Cui, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Strong convergence rate of finite difference approximations for stochastic cubic Schr"odinger equations, J. Differential Equations 263 (2017), no. 7, 3687--3713.

Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Approximating stochastic evolution equations with additive white and rough noises, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 55 (2017), no. 4, 1958--1981.

J. Cui, J. Hong, Z. Liu, and W. Zhou, Stochastic symplectic and multi-symplectic methods for nonlinear Schr"odinger equation with white noise dispersion, J. Comput. Phys. 342 (2017), no. 8, 267--285.

J. Cui, Z. Liu, L. Miao, and X. Wang, H"older continuity for parabolic Anderson equation with non-Gaussian noise, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 441 (2016), no. 2, 684--691.