Financial Math Seminar

Optimal Insurance under Mean-variance Premium Principles

  • Speaker: CHI Yichun

  • Time: May 18, 2017, 15:00-16:00

  • Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching


池义春,中央财经大学中国精算研究院研究员,风险量化与决策研究中心主任。2009年在北京大学数学科学学院金融澳门太阳集团网站入口获得博士学位。主要研究兴趣为精算学和风险管理中的风险理论、最优保险/再保险设计以及变额年金的定价和对冲等。在国际著名的精算学期刊ASTIN BulletinInsurance: Mathematics and EconomicsNorth American Actuarial JournalScandinavian Actuarial Journal发表了十多篇学术论文。主持过两项国家自然科学基金项目。2012年荣获北美产险精算学会Hachemeister奖,2015年破格晋升为研究员。


In this talk, the design of an optimal insurance policy is discussed from the perspective of a risk-averse insured who would like to maximize the expected utility of his/her final wealth. We assume that the admissible insurance contract satisfies the principle of indemnity and that the upper limits on the first two moments of coverage are imposed by an insurer to restrict its risk exposure and completely determine the quantity of the insurance premium. We derive the optimal insurance policy explicitly, and find that it heavily depends upon the values of the upper limits and the insured’s initial wealth. If the insurance contract is further subject to the condition that the marginal indemnity above a deductible minimum is decreasing in the loss and has a value greater than zero and less than one, we show that for a risk-averse and prudent insured such a contract is suboptimal to a change-loss insurance policy or a dual change-loss insurance policy, depending upon the coefficient of variation of the ceded loss. Especially for variance related premium principles, the change-loss insurance is shown to be optimal.