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Numerical Methods for Shallow Water Equations and Related Models


Conference Schedule

December 2

7:00-8:30    Breakfast

8:30-9:00    Opening Ceremony

9:00-9:55    Alina Chertock  Structure Preserving Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation and Balance Laws

9:55-10:10  Coffee Break

10:10-11:05 Jianxian Qiu    A simple and efficient WENO method for hyperbolic conservation laws

11:05-12:00 Qiuhua Liang    A High-Performance Integrated Hydrodynamic Modelling System for Real-Time Flood Forecasting

12:30-13:30 Lunch

14:00-14:55 Christophe Berthon  About fully-well-balanced schemes for shallow-water equations

14:55-15:50 Yulong Xing    High order discontinuous galerkin methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms

15:50-16:10 Coffee Break

16:10-17:05 Mária Lukácová-Medvidová    Asymptotic preserving schemes for low froude number shallow water flows

17:05-18:00 Guoxian Chen   A new hydrostatic reconstruction scheme for shallow water equations based on subcell reconstructions

19:00-20:00 Conference Banquet

December 3

7:00-9:00    Breakfast

9:00-9:55    Vladimir Zeitlin   Convective rotating shallow water models: a low-cost tool for understanding large-scale diabatic phenomena in the atmosphere

9:55-10:20  Xu Dong  Numerical simulation of urban flooding with high-resolution topography using CPU and GPU parallel computations

10:20-10:40 Coffee Break

10:40-11:35 Binliang Lin  A physics-based morphological model for simulating the evolution processes of braided channels 

11:35-12:30 Zhixian Cao   Shallow water hydro-sediment-morphodynamic models - advances and challenges

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-17:30 Discussions

17:30-19:00 Dinner

December 4

7:00-9:00    Breakfast

9:00-9:55    Mario Ricchiuto   2007-2017: a decade of residual distribution for shallow water flows

9:55-10:10  Coffee Break

10:10-11:05 Abdolmajid Mohammadian  Modeling of shallow flows with nonuniform density and suspended and bed load

11:05-12:00 Jacques Sainte-Marie   The shallow water system: numerical scheme, convergence, implicit scheme, dispersive terms

12:00-13:00 Lunch

14:00-14:55 Wai Sun Don    Numerical methods and numerical simulation in Oceanography

14:55-15:20 Hennes Hajduk   Modified shallow-water equations for direct bathymetry reconstruction

15:20-15:40 Coffee Break

15:40-16:35 Alexander Kurganov  Central-Upwind Schemes for Shallow Water Models

16:35-17:00 Xin Liu   Well-balanced positivity preserving central-upwind scheme with a novel wet/dry reconstruction on triangular grids for the Saint-Venant system

17:30-19:00 Dinner